Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Birthday Dinner at 富豪酒家

A good friend invited us for dinner last night for his birthday at this restaurant. This restaurant, owned and operated by one of the apprentices of Yeung Khun Yee who is famous for his abalone dishes and birds nest desserts.

Being our first time at this restaurant, we waited patiently for the different dishes to come: sharks fin soup in thick consomme soup, abalone with goose feet in abalone sauce, stir fried garoupa with broccoli, steamed chicken, steamed fried rice in lotus leaf and to end the meal a delicious bowl of bird's nest in coconut milk

The abalone & goose feet were tender and rich in flavour. In normal circumstances, we would have ordered a bowl of steamed rice to make sure that every drop of the sauce is not wasted. And the bird's nest was just right in terms of sweetness and density... and the thought of the million benefits that bird's nest has gives us the reason to look forward to our good friend's next year birthday dinner.

地址: 銅鑼灣駱克道454-456號桂苑地下
Tel: (852) 28936565

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